Overseas Training Manual for Postgraduate Doctors

ISBN 978-955-43328-0-5

First Published August 2016 



Peer Reviewed Publications:

Long‐term outcome of prucalopride for chronic constipation: a single‐centre study

PK Dhruva Rao, M Lewis, SPM Peiris, PR Shah, PN Haray
Colorectal Disease 17 (12), 1079-1084
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A Sri Lankan experience
KB Galketiya, V Pinto, N Rathnathunga, W Wanasinghe, SPM Peiris
Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 31 (1)
Value of multi-disciplinary input into laparoscopic management of rectal cancer-An observational study
PKD Rao, SPM Peiris, SS Arif, RA Davies, AG Masoud, PN Haray
World journal of gastrointestinal surgery 9 (6), 153


Left Vertebral Artery Arising Directly from the Aortic Arch

HA Amaratunga, SPM Peiris, HR Gunasena, JK Dissanayake
SLAJ 1 (2), 52


Use of the Endoractor® in laparoscopic colorectal surgery–a video vignette

SPM Peiris, DR Hanratty, NN Naguib, M Aziz, PN Haray
Colorectal Disease 17 (2), 175-175
Characteristics of Benign Gastric Ulcers in a Sample of Patients with Dyspeptic Symptoms
S Wijetunge, R Kotakadeniya, KB Galketiya, SM Buharideen, ...
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Thoracoscopy assisted total thyroidectomy for retrosternal goitre
KB Galketiya, V Pinto, SPM Peiris, J Jayasooriya, SAC Solangaarachchi
Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 31 (2)
Is Isolated Nipple Discharge an Alarm Symptom?
SPM Peiris, HA Amaratunga, K De Silva
The University of Peradeniya
Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection in a Sample of Patients with Chronic Gastric Antral Inflammation
SM Buharideen, KB Galketiya, H Kotakadeniya, A Samarasinghe, ...
The University of Peradeniya


1.     Presenting author, winning the REGISTRAR GOLDMEDAL: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M, Arif S, Davies R A, Masoud A G, Haray, PN, Rectal Cancer Management - an Audit, Presentation made to the Welsh SurgicalSociety, Wrexham Medical Institute, May 2014 

2.     Presenting author: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M, LewisM, Haray P N, The effect of prucalopride on management of chronic constipationin our practice, Presentation made to the Welsh Surgical Society, WrexhamMedical Institute, May 2014 

3.     Presenting author: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M,Howells S, Lewis M, Haray P N, Does an enhanced recovery programme add value tolaparoscopic colorectal resections? Presentation made to the Welsh SurgicalSociety, Wrexham Medical Institute, May 2014 

Research Publications


1.     Kanishka de Silva, S P M Peiris, Anoma deSilva, H A Amaratunga, H Perera, S Herath; The spectrum of breastdisease; A 5 year experience;  31st AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2009, Book of Abstracts;page 118

2.      Kanishka de Silva, H A Amaratunga, S PM Peiris, Anoma de Silva, H Perera, S Herath; Carcinoma of the breast ;A Descriptive study at the Oncosurgical Unit Teaching Hospital Kandy;  31st AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2009, Book of Abstracts;page 120. – (Won best presentation award at the sessions)

3.     Kanishka de Silva, H A Amaratunga, S P MPeiris, Anoma de Silva, H Perera, S Herath; Risk factors in breastcancer; abstract book, The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka AnnualAcademic sessions 2009 and The International Conference of the SAARC SurgicalCare Society. Page 164

4.     Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva. An Auditof Fibroadenoma cases. 32nd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Societyof Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts;

5.     Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva. Sensitivityand specificity of triple assessment in detecting breast cancer at theOncosurgical Unit Kandy. 32nd Annual AcademicSessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts

6.     Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva, D R K CDissanayakeKnowledge andAttitude about Breast Cancer Screening National Guidelinesamong Medical Officers  32nd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts

7.     S P M Peiris, T S Udupihilla, ‘A Novel Patient Record System.’26th Annual Academic Sessions, Kandy Society ofMedicine, Book of Abstracts 2003 (Won second place in the 'BestResearch Papers' category) 

8.      H AAmaratunga, S P M Peiris, S C U Kumara, ‘Computer Skills Among New Entrants tothe Medical Faculty.’ 26th AnnualAcademic Sessions, KandySociety of Medicine, Book of Abstracts,2003 

9.     N RKumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'Prophylactic antibiotics inInterval Cholecystectomy', 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts 

10.  N R Kumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'Outcomeof Thyroid Cold Nodules' 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts 

11.   N R Kumarasinghe,S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'A Retroperitoneal Mass: a Case Presentation' 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts 

12.  N R Kumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne,'Diaphragmatic Hernia: Three Case Presentations' 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine2011, Book of Abstracts 

13.  S P M Peiris, S Rathnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J KSeneviratne, 'Thoracic Musculoskeletal Defect Presenting as a LumbarHernia - a Case Presentation' AnnualSessions of the Sri Lanka College of Surgeons 2011, Book of Abstracts

14.  R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘How Long Does it Take to Manage an Oesophageal Carcinoma? Audit ina Single General Surgical Unit.’ Proceedings of the 33rdAnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine February 2012.

15.  S P MPeiris, S Rathnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J K Seneviratne, ‘Thoracicmusculoskeletal defect presenting as a lumbar hernia – a case presentation’.Annual sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011,Book ofAbstracts

16.  R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘Klippel Trenaunay Weber Syndrome – A Case Report’. Proceedingsof the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society ofMedicine February 2012.

17.  R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘A Mesenteric Cyst: A Rare Cause of Massive Abdominal Mass – A CaseReport.’ Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions ofthe Kandy Society of Medicine February 2012.

18.  R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara,  ‘Pseudoaneurysm of theSuperficial Femoral Artery Following A Compound Fracture – A Case Report’ Proceedingsof the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society ofMedicine February 2012.

19.  S P MPeiris, H A Amaratunga, R J K Seneviratne Successful Anal sphincter repairwithout colostomy: a case report.’ Proceedings of the 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, February 2012.

20.  S P MPeiris, H M S S B Ratnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J KSeneviratne, Plant Bezoar in the Common Bile Duct causing obstructivejaundice: a case report.’  Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the KandySociety of Medicine, February 2012.

21.  R J KSeneviratne, S M M Niyas, S P M Peiris, H M M S B Rathnayake, D Leelaratne, B KDassanayake, A S Smarasinghe, W Rathnaweera, S C Medagedara, ‘Thyroid carcinomaat a tertiary centre in the central province’, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lankajointly held with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinborough August2012 Book of Abstracts p134.

22.  K BGalketiya, V Pinto, S P M Peiris, J A D U Jayasooriya, S A C Solangaarachchi,‘Thoracoscopy assisted thyroidectomy for retrosternal goitre’, Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, Vol 32, No2 (2013) p25-26

23.  DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Arif S, Davies R A, Masoud A G, Haray, P N, RectalCancer Management - an Audit, Proceedings of the Welsh Surgical Society, 63:9(May 2014) 

24.  DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Lewis M, Haray P N, The effect of prucalopride on management of chronic constipation in our practice, Proceedings of the WelshSurgical Society, 63:9 (May 2014)


25.  DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Howells S, Lewis M, Haray P N, Does an enhanced recoveryprogramme add value to laparoscopic colorectal resections? Proceedings of theWelsh Surgical Society, 63:9 (May 2014)

Inspirations 0