Manjula Peiris MBBS MD (Surgery) MRCS (England) FMAS
Curriculum Vitae 20/06/2022
Name - Sooriyaratchige Pradeep Manjula Peiris
Age - 45 years (date of birth 21/12/1976)
e Mail-,
Nationality- Sri Lankan
Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine
Honorary Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgeon
Professorial Teaching Unit, Teaching Hospital Peadeniya
Dental Hospital Peradeniya
General and Colorectal Surgery
Departmentof Colorectal Surgery
PrinceCharles Hospital
MerthyrTydfil CF47 9DT
Date ofappointment 15/05/2013
Clinical Supervisor (Overseas Training Programme)
Professor PN Haray MBBS MS FRCS DNB
ConsultantColorectal Surgeon
PrinceCharles Hospital
And External Professor of Coloproctology
Universityof South Wales
Lecturer in Surgery (permanent academic staff),
Departmentof Surgery,
Faculty ofMedicine,
Universityof Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Senior Registrar in General Surgery, (Equivalent to ST 6)
Professorial (University) Teaching Unit,
General Hospital, Peradeniya.
Date ofAppointment: 16/09/2011
Post MD(Surgery) training: Senior Registrar in Surgery (Equivalent to ST 4 to 5) - 15/05/2009to 15/09/2011, General Hospital, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Registrar in Surgery (Equivalent to ST1 to 4) - 15/04/2006 to 14/05/2009
ProfessorialUnit, Teaching Hospital Peradeniya (Supervisors Prof Channa Ratnatunga FRCS,Prof M D Lamawansa MD FRCS PhD)
MedicalOfficer in Ophthalmology (Equivalent to Foundation year 2) - 22/12/2005 to14/04/2006: District General Hospital, Matale, Sri Lanka
ResidentHouse Officer (Equivalent to Foundation year 2) - 21/04/2005 to 22/12/2005
ProfessorialUnit, Teaching Hospital Peradeniya
Internship– (equivalent to the Foundation year 1) - 20/03/2004 to 20/04/2005
Houseofficer in General Medicine and General Surgery, Professorial Teaching Unit,
Peradeniya(Supervisors Prof Nimal Senanayake MD FRCP, Prof Arjuna Aluwihare, Prof Channa Ratnatunga MS FRCS)
PRESIDENT - English Committee, Faculty of Medicine
HEAD - Technical Resources Committe
Former HEAD - Faculty Canteen
Member, Board of Study in Oncology of the PGIM
Faculty of Medicine University of Peradeniya
Faculty of Medicine Rajarata
Faculty of Medicine Ragama
Faculty of Medicine Jaffna
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MemberNo. 9025441)
Fellow of the College of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
Life Member of the College of Surgeonsof Sri Lanka
Life Member of the Kandy Society of Medicine KSM
Life Member of the Peradeniya MedicalFaculty Alumni Association PEMSAA
Life Member of the Government Medical Officers Association GMOA
Member of the Federation of UniversityTeachers Associations FUTA
Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ): MBBS (Sri L anka)
1 July 1997 to 28 February 2003: qualified with second class (Upper Division). I had Distinctions in Physiology, Anatomy,Biochemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology and the Barr Kumara Kulasinghe Memorial Awardin final year Surgery.
Postgraduate Qualifications
1. MD (Surgery) Postgraduate Institute ofMedicine (PGIM), University of Colombo
2. MRCS (Member of the RoyalCollege of Surgeons) England
Passed the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination in August 2010 and
obtained membership (number 9025441).
Full Registrationwith a license to practice in the General Medical Council (GMC-UK) –Registration number 7162290
3. Fellowship of the Minimal Access Surgeons of India (FMASI)
Full Registration in the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) updated to 2025
Registration number 19960
International English Language Testing System (Cambridge and Australia) Exam March, 2013
IELTS Band Score 8.0
Reading : 9.0
Speaking : 8.0
Writing : 7.5
Listening : 7.5
All tertiary-level and professional qualifications (MBBS, MD - Surgery, MRCS) have beenobtained through examinations conducted in English.
Books Published
1. Surviving Surgery
2. Insight to the NHS-UK
Peer Reviewed International Publications:
4. Dhruva Rao PK, Peiris SPM, Arif SS, Davies RA, Masoud AG, Haray PN. Value of multi-disciplinary input into laparoscopic management of rectal cancer - An observational study.
World J Gastrointest Surg. 2017 Jun 27;9(6):153-160. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v9.i6.153. PMID:28690775
1. Kanishka de Silva, S P M Peiris, Anoma deSilva, H A Amaratunga, H Perera, S Herath; The spectrum of breastdisease; A 5 year experience; 31st AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2009, Book of Abstracts;page 118
2. Kanishka de Silva, H A Amaratunga, S PM Peiris, Anoma de Silva, H Perera, S Herath; Carcinoma of the breast ;A Descriptive study at the Oncosurgical Unit Teaching Hospital Kandy; 31st AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2009, Book of Abstracts;page 120. – (Won best presentation award at the sessions)
3. Kanishka de Silva, H A Amaratunga, S P MPeiris, Anoma de Silva, H Perera, S Herath; Risk factors in breastcancer; abstract book, The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka AnnualAcademic sessions 2009 and The International Conference of the SAARC SurgicalCare Society. Page 164
4. Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva. An Auditof Fibroadenoma cases. 32nd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Societyof Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts;
5. Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva. Sensitivityand specificity of triple assessment in detecting breast cancer at theOncosurgical Unit Kandy. 32nd Annual AcademicSessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts
6. Kanishka deSilva, H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, Anoma de Silva, D R K CDissanayake. Knowledge andAttitude about Breast Cancer Screening National Guidelinesamong Medical Officers 32nd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2010, Book of Abstracts
7. S P M Peiris, T S Udupihilla, ‘A Novel Patient Record System.’26th Annual Academic Sessions, Kandy Society ofMedicine, Book of Abstracts 2003 (Won second place in the 'BestResearch Papers' category)
8. H A Amaratunga, S P M Peiris, S C U Kumara,‘Computer Skills Among New Entrants to the Medical Faculty.’ 26th Annual Academic Sessions, Kandy Societyof Medicine, Book of Abstracts,2003
9. N RKumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'Prophylactic antibiotics inInterval Cholecystectomy', 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts
10. N R Kumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'Outcomeof Thyroid Cold Nodules' 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts
11. N R Kumarasinghe,S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne, 'A Retroperitoneal Mass: a Case Presentation' 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the KandySociety of Medicine 2011, Book of Abstracts
12. N R Kumarasinghe, S P M Peiris, R J K Seneviratne,'Diaphragmatic Hernia: Three Case Presentations' 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine2011, Book of Abstracts
13. S P M Peiris, S Rathnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J KSeneviratne, 'Thoracic Musculoskeletal Defect Presenting as a LumbarHernia - a Case Presentation' AnnualSessions of the Sri Lanka College of Surgeons 2011, Book of Abstracts
14. R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘How Long Does it Take to Manage an Oesophageal Carcinoma? Audit ina Single General Surgical Unit.’ Proceedings of the 33rdAnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine February 2012.
15. S P MPeiris, S Rathnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J K Seneviratne, ‘Thoracicmusculoskeletal defect presenting as a lumbar hernia – a case presentation’.Annual sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011,Book ofAbstracts
16. R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘Klippel Trenaunay Weber Syndrome – A Case Report’. Proceedingsof the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society ofMedicine February 2012.
17. R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘A Mesenteric Cyst: A Rare Cause of Massive Abdominal Mass – A CaseReport.’ Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions ofthe Kandy Society of Medicine February 2012.
18. R J KSeneviratne, H M S S B Ratnayake, S P M Peiris, B K Dassanayake, S CMedagedara, ‘Pseudoaneurysm of theSuperficial Femoral Artery Following A Compound Fracture – A Case Report’ Proceedingsof the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society ofMedicine February 2012.
19. S P MPeiris, H A Amaratunga, R J K Seneviratne Successful Anal sphincter repairwithout colostomy: a case report.’ Proceedings of the 33rd AnnualAcademic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, February 2012.
20. S P MPeiris, H M S S B Ratnayake, B K Dassanayake, R J KSeneviratne, Plant Bezoar in the Common Bile Duct causing obstructivejaundice: a case report.’ Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Societyof Medicine, February 2012.
21. R J KSeneviratne, S M M Niyas, S P M Peiris, H M M S B Rathnayake, D Leelaratne, B KDassanayake, A S Smarasinghe, W Rathnaweera, S C Medagedara, ‘Thyroid carcinomaat a tertiary centre in the central province’, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lankajointly held with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinborough August2012 Book of Abstracts p134.
22. K BGalketiya, V Pinto, S P M Peiris, J A D U Jayasooriya, S A C Solangaarachchi,‘Thoracoscopy assisted thyroidectomy for retrosternal goitre’, Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, Vol 32, No2 (2013) p25-26
23. DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Arif S, Davies R A, Masoud A G, Haray, P N, RectalCancer Management - an Audit, Proceedings of the Welsh Surgical Society, 63:9(May 2014)
24. DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Lewis M, Haray P N, The effect of prucalopride onmanagement of chronic constipation in our practice, Proceedings of the WelshSurgical Society, 63:9 (May 2014)
25. DhruvaRao P K, Peiris S P M, Howells S, Lewis M, Haray P N, Does an enhanced recoveryprogramme add value to laparoscopic colorectal resections? Proceedings of theWelsh Surgical Society, 63:9 (May 2014)
1. Presenting author, winning the REGISTRAR GOLD MEDAL: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M, Arif S, Davies RA, Masoud A G, Haray, P N, Rectal Cancer Management - an Audit, Presentationmade to the Welsh Surgical Society, Wrexham Medical Institute, May 2014
2. Presenting author: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M, Lewis M, Haray PN, The effect of prucalopride on management of chronic constipation in ourpractice, Presentation made to the Welsh Surgical Society, Wrexham MedicalInstitute, May 2014
3. Presenting author: Dhruva Rao P K, Peiris S P M, Howells S, LewisM, Haray P N, Does an enhanced recovery programme add value to laparoscopiccolorectal resections? Presentation made to the Welsh Surgical Society, WrexhamMedical Institute, May 2014
4. Member of the Faculty, Masterclass in AdvancedLaparoscopic Colorectal Surgery, Department of Colorectal Surgery, PrinceCharles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, UK July 2014
5. Presenter, ‘History, examination and diagnosis ofcolorectal malignancy’ Multi-professional colorectal cancer study day,Department of Colorectal Surgery, Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, UK May2014
6. Presenter, Lecture on ‘Crohn’s disease – a cautionarytale’ presented to the grand ward round, Prince Charles hospital, MerthyrTydfil, UK 2014
7. Presenter, Lecture on ‘Acute Abdomen’ presentedto the quarterly Staff Grade and Associate Specialist (SAS) training workshop, PrinceCharles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, UK 2014
8. Delegate, Induction programme for new doctors tothe NHS-UK, Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, UK May 2013
9. Trainee, sessions on the use of AVALON®,Synapse®, Theatre IT system® and Welsh Clinical Portal® conducted by the ITDepartment of the Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, May 2013
10. Memberof the panel of resource persons, Information Technology symposium of theAnnual Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 2013
11. Delegate,SAARC Symposium on Burns and Plastic Surgery, Association of Plastic Surgeonsof Sri Lanka 2012
12. Delegate,Postgraduate training workshop on Technology Foresight conducted by the NationalScience Foundation, Sri Lanka 2012
13. Presenter,Guest Lecture on ‘Diagnosis and management of the acute abdomen’ presented to theKandy Society of Medicine, General Hospital, Kandy 2011
14. Delegateas a surgical registrar, training workshop in open reduction and internalfixation of fractures conducted by the AO Foundation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), College of Surgeons, Sri Lanka2010
15. Delegate as a surgical registrar,Advanced trauma training course conducted by the ATRIMS (Advanced TraumaResuscitation and Initial Management System), College of Surgeons, Sri Lanka2010
16. Delegateas a surgical registrar, Hands-on training course in basic laparoscopicsurgery, College of Surgeons, Sri Lanka 2010
As member of the Lions Club of Senkadagala (District 306 c1) from 2006to the present, and Secretary thereof forthree consecutive years, I have contributed my time and energy for sunami relief and disaster mitigation, preventionand treatment of blindness, Educational activities and scholarship programmes, communityhealth camps affiliated to the ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine, majorfundraising activities and donations to my community. I was elected to the postof Vice President year 2011/12 and Bulletin Editor.
I am in the list of continuous voluntary donors to the British RedCross, and continue to make monthly financial donations towards crisismitigation and disaster relief all over the world.
Having trained in Visual Basic 6.0 programming with an interest inmedical databases I, along with severalcollaborators, developed the MedREC Electronic Medical Records Software. This programis currently in use in several institutions including the Oncosurgical Unit, GHKandy. Since its inception in 2003,comprehensive details of over 5000 patients have been accurately recorded in the breast diseases database in GH Kandy to date, spanning a period of 7 years. I have been currently assigned thetask of developing the Department of Surgery Website and the Database,Automation and Networking (DAN) Project of the Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.
I proficient in the use of all patient information systems currentlyin use in the NHS-UK including AVALON®, Synapse radiological imaging system®,the Myrddin Hospital administrative network® and the Welsh Clinical Portal® aswell as documentation of surgical procedures in the Theatre Information System®of the Cwm Taf Health Board.
Training and experience in CorelDRAW® and CorelPHOTO-PAINT® have madeit possible for me to design covers for several internationalmonographs including publications of the Oxford University Press, United StatesInstitute for Peace, and Macmillans (India). I have also designed
Websites and logos for international organizations (
More information can be found at my personal website:
I declare that theforegoing information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, as at 18thof March 2015
Thanking you,
Dr Manjula Peiris MBBS,MD (Surgery), MRCS(England)
The following referees have kindly agreed to provide me with references:
Consultant General,Laparoscopic and Colorectal Surgeon,
Department of ColorectalSurgery,
Prince Charles Hospital,
Merthyr Tydfil CF47 9DT
United Kingdom
Consultant Surgeon andDean, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka
+94 714 335502
Consultant General andLaparoscopic Surgeon,
Senior Lecturer,Department of Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
+94 777 884008